The Register would not exist without the foresight and work of:

Dr Eva Crane, whose interest in traditional beekeeping structures continued for over 50 years, until her death on 6 September 2007. 

Penelope Walker, who has tirelessly continued Dr Crane's work and brought the Register online in 2005.

Emma Trevarthen, who managed and updated the Register as a volunteer between 2017 - 2023. 

The many local historians and house-owners who have sent in records, too numerous to list here, but they are named in the records. Their valuable contributions are gratefully acknowledged.

We also thank the following for their help with the Register Database

Grants towards the cost of the work

Awards for All (Lottery Grants for Local Groups), Guildford [grant to English Bee Boles Society]

CADW (Welsh Historic Monuments), Cardiff

Advice and other support

Richard Jones

Liz Kelly

Gene Kritsky

Ian Townsley

John Walker

John Dixon

Derek Loney